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We held the 43rd colloquim on 6th April.

posted Apr 6, 2015, 9:56 PM by 田中千秋   [ updated Apr 13, 2015, 1:22 AM ]
We had the honor to invite Prof. Yasuo KANEMATSU, Office for University-Industry Collaboration and to be given the lecture on "roles of universities in developing innovative system of industry".
And we also had the honor to be given the lecture on "Photonicshills project in Minoh city" by Prof. Eichi TAMIYA, Applied Physics.
In the panel discussion, at first, Mr. Junji SHIRAI, architect gave a brief introduction of the grand design of Photonicshills project.
After that, the experts on various fields, such as manufacturer, city planners, researchers got together and had  active exchanges of their views on the project. 

Thank you for attending and we are also grateful for having had a highly fruitful session. 
